College Guidance

York’s Philosophy on Guidance: The Student is Our Client

York Prep offers a thorough, 以学生为中心的大学咨询项目,从学生九年级的大学过程的简要概述开始, introduces test planning sophomore year, 在大三的时候开始寻找大学,在大四的时候完成大学申请.

我们在大二的春季开始与学生单独会面. As juniors, students enroll in a weekly college seminar that continues, on a semi-weekly basis, into the fall of their senior year.

With a combined 70 years of experience, 我们的大学指导办公室为每个学生的特殊需求和兴趣提供全面的建议.

While we firmly believe that the student is our client, 如果有任何问题,欢迎家长与我们的辅导员联系.

Guidance from 9th to 12th Grades

大学指导从9年级九月份的新生入学指导开始, 强烈鼓励学生取得好成绩并参与newbb电子平台社区的地方. Additionally, 鼓励学生完成25小时的当地社区服务, 因为我们相信最有意义的服务是在自己的后院完成的. 我们确保每个学生都花时间培养他们的兴趣, flourish in areas they excel, and gain more confidence in the areas that challenge them. 欢迎学生随时到学院指导办公室询问问题.

College Guidance还会在1月份举办9年级和10年级家长之夜,告知家长上述期望,并回答有关标准化考试的问题, when to visit colleges, the challenges of social media, testing accommodations, and suggestions for summer plans.

《newbb电子平台》在十年级新生入学指导时进行检查,并再次强调九年级时建议的相同建议:取得好成绩, community service and school involvement. In the spring, 学生与辅导员单独会面,审查他/她的成绩单, introduce and discuss SAT vs. ACT, 考虑加强学术和课外活动的策略, and find productive summer plans.

In 11th grade, 我们帮助学生确定他们的优势和兴趣,以产生一个平衡的大学名单. Beginning in the spring of their junior year, 学生参加每周一次的研讨会,在那里他们学习通用申请, personal essays, teacher recommendation requests, and pre-college program applications. Additionally, they research schools, set up visits and interviews, and register for standardized testing. In addition to the weekly class, 我们与学生单独会面至少两次,以定制我们的指导,并确保一个彻底的大学申请经验.

In December, 在这个关键时刻,我们举办了专为大三学生家长设计的“大学之夜”,让他们回答问题,减轻担忧. 我们邀请财政援助专家提供财政援助过程的概述. While our focus is on the student during this process, we keep parents thoroughly informed of their children's progress.

Junior College Guidance Events:
Junior PSATs (October)
Junior Parent College Night (December)
Financial Aid Expert (December)
College Visits (March, 4月和5月):招生代表访问newbb电子平台,概述他们的学校,并为感兴趣的申请人回答问题.

每位高年级学生的目标是提交任何提前决定和/或提前行动申请. All applications are due to our office before Thanksgiving Break. 在发送任何申请之前,学生将他们提交给我们进行编辑和建议. In order to complete their applications in a timely manner, 高年级学生每周参加两次我们的大学指导研讨会,在那里他们有机会完成和发送他们的申请,并与招生代表见面.

Throughout the college application process, 我们教导我们的学生自我辩护,这将帮助他们从高中到大学.

Senior College Guidance Events:
College Visits (September, 10月和11月):招生代表访问newbb电子平台,概述他们的学校,并为感兴趣的申请人回答问题.
Senior Parent College Night (September)
Financial Aid Presentation (September)
Senior Farewell Meeting (April)

Our approach

The York Prep College Guidance program, designed and directed by Ms. Janet Rooney, 帮助学生找到并获得最适合他们需要的大学的录取, abilities, and preferences. To achieve this goal, 约克大学预科指导办公室定期与学生举行个人会议,并与家长举行小组会议.

One of our key missions is to prepare students for college. College preparation begins as early as sixth grade, 当课程选择进行审查,以确保每个学生的教育成长是最大化的. For example, 表现出必要技能的学生可以在七年级获得数学荣誉, 接着是预代数和更高的数学课程,最后在12年级获得了微积分荣誉课程的一席之地.

Guidance does not end with college acceptance

我们鼓励我们的毕业生在进入大学后继续与我们交流. Once again, 如果newbb电子平台毕业生在大学期间需要帮助,大学指导办公室会毫不犹豫地直接联系学院.



– Sam and Caroline Sabbagh, Class of 2023 parents

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Your Child's Journey

We foster a sense of social responsibility among our students. 除了注重学业,学生们还能通过帮助他人获得宝贵的经验.

York Prep School – A Private College Prep School in NYC